Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System Net
Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System

2022 WARTS Net Picnic - July 17th
To learn how to become a WARTS member, click on "WARTS Net FAQ" button below.
WARTS 2024 Net Picnic Canceled

WARTS Net is looking for operators to help as Alternate Net Control Station (ANCS) to act as Net Control when the scheduled Net Control Station cannot take the net. If you would like to apply for this position, contact Rick W7RNB, WARTS Net Manger, either on the air or by email (his email address is lower on this page).

We have need of operators that can and will take the net when circumstances prevent the NCS from fulfilling their duties. Thank you.

When tuning up for the net go a minimum of 5 kHz off net
frequency to
avoid interfering with net operations -
Be sure to check for other stations that may be on the frequency that
you want to use to avoid interfering with the passing of traffic or other activities.
Thank you.
The WARTS Net is looking for pictures of members' stations. These pictures will be posted on the WARTS Net web site for all to see. We request that you submit no more than four (4) pictures in, preferably, JPG format (1024 x 768 pixels or larger - max 2 Mb file size) for addition to the new web page(s) and that you submit a short description of each picture including name, call sign and the subject, what's in the picture; i.e. radios, antenna, operator, etc. Please submit these pictures to Randy,   to have them included in this new section of the WARTS Net web site. Pictures are posted here.

If you have questions, please c
ontact Ken, or Randy,

Some station pictures updated - 02/19/11


State of Washington




Site Index

 July 2024 Roster - Now Available

July 2024 - Roster- Now Available

2022 Picnic Pictures Now Available

Updated - 11/02/17

Updated 09/01/2016

New Stations Added December 14, 2022

Gone But Not Forgotten

PDF File

2016 BOD Minutes

Effective March 5. 2012

Updated October 1, 2015

Updated - November 11, 2022

Traffic Handling Tools


 Learn How - "Quick & Dirty"

Amateur Message Instructions

A Primer

ARRL® Radiogram Message Forms - PDF Format

          Handling Instructions

Instructions for handling Out-Of-Area Traffic
(PDF File)
PDF Format
PDF Format

3975 kHz. - 1730 (5:30 PM) Pacific Time
(lower side band)

The Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System Net (WARTS Net) is the premiere traffic net for amateur radio message traffic for the state of Washington. Since it was first founded, December 23, 1947, this net has kept a daily schedule for the dissemination of radio messages through out the state of Washington and is the gateway to messages going to Alaska and British Columbia.  It is an affiliate of the National Traffic System and the ARRL®.

This net meets every day at 1730 (5:30 PM Local Pacific Time on a frequency of 3975 kilohertz  for the purpose of handling both formal and informal traffic for stations in and around the state of Washington. All stations are invited to check in when their city is called. If not on the roster, visitor check-ins will be taken at the end of the roll call. (Winter band conditions may require a change in time)

To become a member of the net you must check-in a minimum of eight (8) times for one month then notify the Net Secretary by radiogram, at the end of that month, of your intention to join the net. (See WARTS Net FAQ for more information.)


Net Staff

NET OFFICIALS: Net Control Stations:
Net Manager:
Drew Dorsett, KG7SXF
  Sunday:  Bob, WB7QOU, Lynnwood, WA
  Monday:  Steve, K7SH, Cathlamet, WA
  Tuesday:  Randy, AJ7B, Arlington, WA
  Wednesday:  Ken, K7YR, Mansfield, WA
  Thursday:  Tom, KC7PH, Yakima, WA
  Friday:  Drew, KG7SXF, Marysville, WA
  Saturday:  Steve, K7KO, Castle Rock, WA

Net Secretary:
Randy Mather, AJ7B

Alternate Net Control Stations:
 Don, W7GB, Moses Lake, WA
Rob, N7RLV, Vashon, WA
     If you are interested in being a Net Control Operator, contact
     Net Manager Drew Dorsett, KG7SXF.

Ken Rau, K7YR


We've had

Web Site Manager: 
Randy Mather, AJ7B

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QRZ call sign lookup:

Solar Indices

                       Updated every 10 minutes

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:

From n3kl.org         

  Propagation Status  
Solar-Terrestrial Data

Net Statistics for:  

June 2024

Totals 2024
QNI (Check-ins) : 2,299 17,242
QTC (Traffic Handled): 40 242



Facts About WARTS Net

The Parasite Newsletter
WARTS Net Preamble
     Updated 09/01/2016
Code of Ethics
WARTS Net Roster - Online Version
    July 2024
WARTS Net Roster  - Download/Print Version
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader  Get Adobe Reader
Learn NTS Traffic Handling
WARTS NET PICNIC American Radio Relay League
History of WARTS  WARTS Net Calendar
ARCHIVES WARTS Staff Station Map
PART 97 FCC Updates
Hamfests & Conventions WARTS NET Constitution
- Traffic Handling Tools -
ARRL Numbered Messages (FSD-3) Messaging - Quick & Dirty
FSD-218 "Pink Card" Amateur Message Form Traffic Handling Primer
ARRL Radiogram Form
                        (PDF Format)
HX  Codes
    (Handling Instructions)

Question? Comments! About the web site,
Email:  or sign our                

Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System Net - All Rights Reserved -

Updated: 01 Jul 2024
Web Site Design by Bill Frazer. Maintenance by: Randy Mather